Well, today we woke up late, rushed to get ready for church and showed up a few minutes after the meeting had started. (We have 8:30 am church, it's hard to be on time.) I walked in to the chapel and it was dark. I was really confused, so I sat down and the counselor in the Stake Presidency was at the pulpit with a map. I knew what that meant...ward split. We had one about 4 1/2 years ago. As he was explaining where the new boundary lines were, I could see this little chunk out of our ward, about 20 houses that were told that they would be going to a new ward. Us being one of those. Actually the boundary line is our next door neighbor. Keep in mind that Ty's up front conducting the meeting as 1st counselor in the Bishopric. He found out about 2 minutes before the meeting started. I immediately felt sick to my stomach and couldn't help the tears from coming. We have been in this ward for 5 1/2 years and have served in many callings in the ward, including presidencies and bishoprics. We have a lot of friends that we will be leaving behind. We also now have 2:30 pm church...yuck! Come fall and winter, we will be leaving church in the dark. At least it is only until the end of the year and then our new ward is actually heading to a new building that will be done at the beginning of the year. We look forward to meeting new friends and serving in a new ward, however we are sad to leave. To say the least, I balled through the whole 3 hour block. I guess that's life. Anyway, I'm so proud of my husband for serving so diligently and making me proud. I love you honey!