Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Deal of the Week!

So I am getting a little addicted to all of these coupon stock up sales and have decided that I'm going to really get on board with this and post my deal of the week. So here's what I got at Walgreen's today for the blue light special price of ... $45 with a total savings of $112.

(4) packs of Huggies diapers
(4) boxes of Huggies wipes
(2) packages of Pull-Ups
(2) boxes of tampons
(3) boxes of Kleenex
(1) 12 rolls Scott toilet paper
(2) Glade air freshner kits
(1) box of aluminum foil
(1) Colgate toothpaste
(3) Garnier Fructis hair care products
(9) packages of Wrigley's gum


The Airharts said...

Jen email me the details! I have a walgreens here and those deals are fantastic-I was jealous of your albertsons deals, but dont have an albertsons!

Sblogger said...

So are you doing the Savvy Shopper thing, where you get multiple Daily Heralds and then use the coupons from there? My friend does this so that's why I'm wondering. I'm amazed at your deals!

The Hornberger's said...

so what's next week's special - i'll be there on thursday!

Myranda, Shaun and Anna said...

I really need to learn

Sara and Company said...

Yes! Blog on how you do this, please! I love deals. You're amazing.

dave&abby johnson family said...

I need to learn too! How are you!?

Marissa and Family said...

Wow! Thanks for the tips. Keep them coming!